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Magnetise at IAB Lead Gen Workshop
As anyone who knows us knows, we’re a vibrant bunch of people who like nothing better than to get out there into our industry and dig into the nitty gritty of what we do with people interested in everything that lead generation can achieve. We therefore jumped at the chance to get involved with the recent IAB Practical Workshop on How Best to Generate Leads Online which was held at the IAB in London on Wednesday 10th October.
The agenda covered all the key areas of lead generation, from knowing what it is (and indeed isn’t), planning and strategy, innovative and creative campaign examples. Tim Milverton, Magnetise’s Co-Founder & Technical Director then took attendees through a comprehensive guide to the role of technology, including the importance of real-time processing and validation. The day finished with a practical session on tips and tricks from the experts, as well as giving attendees the chance to put their new-found knowledge into action by creating their own lead generation campaigns.
We’re really proud to be involved with the IAB’s efforts to bring lead generation to the attention of brands and agencies and have been members of the Lead Generation Council since 2010. The efforts of the Council, and indeed the vast capabilities of the discipline itself, are making their mark. The latest figures from the IAB H1 2012 Ad Spend Report show that lead generation accounted for at least £15 million UK online ad spend budget for the period.
Whether you are already a pro in lead generation, or starting to explore it for the very first time, both the IAB and the Magnetise team can help you to start up, ramp up and drive engagement and sales through all core channels including editorial competitions, display, video and more. Please do let us know if there is anything in particular you would like further information on, and we will share our knowledge and insights with you here on the Magnetise Blog.
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